Best Practice Enterprise Risk Management
Certified ERM Practitioner
" A certified deep dive masterclass that doesn't just look at the practices found in enterprise risk assessment but explores the modelling aspects in an easy to follow manner "
The Value Proposition
Welcome to the Certified Enterprise Risk Management Practitioner program.
Attendees can become Certified through The London Shool of Business allowing them to put the ERMP initials on their CV.
This is a practical masterclass that leads practitioners through three pillars of Enterprise RIsk Management and beyond.
In pillar I you will Learn how to apply the Global Risk Standard ISO 31000, COSO and explore the New COSO guidelines that were released in June last year.
Learn how to assess enterprise wide risk for different settings, explore how to apply a huge library of Key Risk Indicators and build an interactive Risk Management Dashboard.

This course is worth 32 CPE credits by field of study:
Regulatory Ethics:
Business Mgmnt & Org:
8 CPE points
8 CPE points
8 CPE points
8 CPE points
This course is certified by:

Causal Capital Pte Ltd is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org.
National Registry ID #138370. In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have been granted based on a 50-minute hour.
Key Pillars of ERM

Risk Frameworks
Real Life Case Studies
Risk Aggregation & Reporting
Design an enterprise wide risk taxonomy
ISO 31000 Frameworks in ERM
COSO and deep dive on new 2016 guidlines
Best Practice ERM Mapping
Develop a departmental Risk Registry
Risk Appetite explained with examples
Risk Control Assessment practical
Learn how ERM supports GRC
Case studies from public sector & utilities
Root Cause Analysis in operations
Best practices for Key Risk Indicators
Integrate ERM with Financial Risk
Develop a Control Assessment Program
Incident identification & Management
Walk through Cyber Risk Framework
Learn how to include Reputation Risk
ISO 31010 Risk Assessment Techniques
Access to a huge online reading library
Monte Carlo models handed over
Develop an Interactive Risk Dashboard
Review a set of Risk Score Cards
Build a complete heat map
Benefit of Cost analysis
New Integrated Risk Effect Network
Connect ERM to audit and other risk silos
Develop and take away a risk database
How to report confidence in ERM levels

Risk Treatment
Risk Tolerance & Appetite case study
How to treat market risk
How to set ERM Limits and write ERM policy
Complete gap study on Cyber Risk
ERM requirements fraud control
Best practices in the gulf for ERM
ERM maturity models explained
Develop a road map for your ERM program
Attendees certification process
Post Workshop Support
" Top 20 Risk Assessment Techniques are demonstrated and compared side by side so that you can assess any source of risk "
All about you
Beyond the ERM Team

Auditors working in ERM
If you are an auditor working in ERM, learn what needs to be in place for full ERM coverage. Understand how to integrate audit into ERM and Learn how to use risk assessment techniques in your Risk Based Audits.

Compliance Facing ERM
Develop effective compliance policy that is aligned to the risk appetite of your business. Develop new ways to assess how staff meet compliance requirements.

Safety Teams
Improve incident management processes, learn how to perform root cause analysis and how to assess the materiality under different safety risks.
"This masterclass has been one of the most insightful enterprise risk workshops I have attended"
Head of Enterprise Risk | JLT
Become a Certified Enterprise Risk Executive with London School of Business
The latest best practices for managing enterprise risk shared
Explore and build live models using various tools that can be taken away from the masterclass
"The case studies, live portal library, worksheets and models make this course so valuable"
Enterprise Risk Manager | Saudia
Your Facilitator
Martin Davies
Martin | ERMP @ Causal Capital
Risk Framework Architect
Martin is a Subject Matter Expert in risk management and has been working right across the space for twenty years. He is deeply familiar with Enterprise Risk Management and has worked in this management discipline for many different types of firms.
He has experience with incident management, scenario analysis, control assessment, key risk indicators as well as modelling and reporting risk. Martin has worked with companies from Australia, right through the emerging markets Asia and into the gulf and he has hands on experience developing risk frameworks for manufacturing companies and firms operating complex supply chains.
Martin develops risk reporting dashboards and is skilled in building analytics systems for measuring risk. In this program he will show attendees how to design an interactive heat map, how to assess leading factors that potentially drive loss using various best practice models. Six Sigma Black Belt, train the trainer, BSC Eng Faculty of Science Newcastle University, FRM practitioner, accredited through American Academy of Financial Management.

Some of Martin's clients include:
United Nations, Central Bank of Oman, Royal Bank of Scotland, Mobily, Abdul Latif Jameel, Marfiq Power and Water, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince, Emirates, Bank of China, Asian Development Bank, Saudi Cement, Syngenta, Bursa Malaysia, DST Telecommunications, STC, Commonwealth Bank, Toyota and many more ...
Martin specialises in developing risk management frameworks for large and small businesses in a multi-sector environment. This gives him diverse insight to draw different best practices from.
Technical Sample
ERM Interactive Dashboard
You will learn how to build an enterprise risk management dashboard similar to this during the Masterclass.
The quality of risk management improves with interactive, real time reporting of Key Risk Indicators. This course will give you the guidence to build such risk dashboards with ease.

" You build your own risk dashboard "
Have a team to train?
Have a requirement to run the course internally?
Hold an in-house course at your convenience, with customised course outlines and specific industry case studies. We can adapt this training to meet your exact needs.
Ask your advisor a question


Competency training is a new and targetted way to deliver not just knowledge but know how to attendees that maximises their learning.
We lift the technical competency profile of staff so that they can make a true commercial difference to the companies they work for.

Nina Singh | Causal Capital Product Inteligence
Causal Capital has a really strong reputation for delivering quality training programs where participants' learning lasts years after the knowledge transfer has begun. We develop cutting edge masterclasses that addresses the real business problems our attendees face in their day to day work. Our learning is enjoyable, highly instructive, practical and easy to follow and we lift CV of our candidates to a best practice technical level.
All programs are hands on, practical and easy to follow
Materials are available in hard and electronic format
Attendees gain lifetime membership to portal libraries
Technical aspects are explained with real life examples
All our programs come with post workshop support
Real problem solving ... Bring your business problem along
T: +65 6221 7919 | +65 6221 7939
105 Cecil Street, #16-00, The Octagon Suite 1610, Singapore 069534

Registerd Company No.: 200619120E