Standing out from
the crowd ...
What makes a manager perform? ... Rarely are successful managers just born and there are three specific schools of learning that need to be mastered for a manager to become a competent leader. In this Tri-Leader Program we take participants through these three domains in a practical and hands on manner that will have positive lasting effects on their performance.
Competencies for Effective Managers
1st Competency ~ Know why it matters
FRM | Finance, Risk & Numbers
In the theme of our finance for non finance program, we teach attendees how to assess financial uncertainty using an easy to follow techniques. You will learn how to value opportunities, forecast sales revenue, measure risk and much more.
The workshop brochure can be found here [LINK].
2nd Competency ~ Planning Outcomes
AGILE MANAGEMENT | Decision Making, Project Management
Managers need strong planning skills and the ability to make effective decisions based on ever changing criteria. Successful managers are able to see the critical path in a project to identify minimum go live criteria and balance resources.
The workshop brochure can be found here [LINK].
3rd Competency ~ Mastering Communications
RELATIONSHIP SKILLS | Negotiation & Communication
If you are a strong communicator, able to manage relationships, negotiate terms and manage disputes you have the final pillar required to be successful. In this last program for the Tri-Leader, we delve into winning aspects of communication.
The workshop brochure can be found here [LINK].
Do one course + the 2nd for 50% & the 3rd for FREE
About This
Why this is important for you
There are so many management programs in the training market today but the majority of them fail to transfer tangible competency to attendees. This deep dive suite of masterclasses addresses that key learning requirement.
Effective business leaders need to be able to do three things really well to succeed and these skills can be transfered in an enjoyable journey that evolves people.
Successful Leaders are able to ...
Know what to act on, when and how to act. This insight comes from an inherent understanding of numbers as well as finance.
You also need to be able to develop a game plan that manages how to deliver capability.
Finally, you need to be able to communicate your visions to stakeholders for buy-in and your resource pool for support.
Welceom to Tri-Leaders ...
Contact a specialiast
"Competency training is a new and targetted way to deliver not just knowledge but know how to attendees that maximises their learning. This set of courses has been selected from our huge array of programs to do just that. We lift the technical competency profile of staff so that they can make a true commercial difference to the companies they work for. Attendees can attend just one program or all three with follow on discounts"
Nina Singh | Product Inteligence
Winning features of all our programs
Causal Capital has a really strong reputation for delivering quality training programs where participant learning lasts years after the knowledge transfer has begun. We develop cutting edge masterclasses that addresses the real business problems our attendees face in their day to day work. Our learning is enjoyable, highly instructive, practical and easy to follow and we lift CV of our candidates to a best practice technical level.
All programs are hands on, practical and easy to follow
Materials are available in hard and electronic format
Attendees gain lifetime membership to portal libraries
Technical aspects are explained with real life examples
All our programs come with post workshop support
Real problem solving ... Bring your business problem along
Spreadsheets that are used are handed over to attendees
Who is this suitable for
For the new manager
If you have just become or are about to become a new manager, this program will be extremely valuable for you. Become confident making decisions, manage resources with ease and have an understanding on what drives a business. Be comfortable communicating with finance people and customers.
For the technical lead
Gain invaluable skills and knowledge that will build up your resume, learn how to get ahead and truly advance your career. You may have the technical skills to do your job well, now gain the business skills.
Polishing Up
Lacking in one of the skill sets to be a Tri-Leader, perhaps your communication skills could be more polished or maybe you don't feel comfortable with numbers. A single competency from the Tri-Leader skill set suite can be selected to polish up your professional capabilities.
Develop rounded skills to be able to handle all aspects of a business from finance to resources
Learn how to make effective and balanced decisions that improve your career
Become respected amongst your peers, lift your profile in the business community